Inferring | Faire des inférences

Good readers think about what the author means, but doesn’t really say.

Inferring is sometimes called reading between the lines. Readers combine their own ideas with the author’s words and pictures to make sense of the story.

For example, if an author wrote “The girl blew out the candles and made a wish.”, the reader might infer
that it is the girl’s birthday.

When inferring, you might say…

I’m thinking that… | Je pense que…
I’m wondering… | Je me demande…
Maybe… | Peut-être…
… makes me believe… | … me fait croire…
I believe… | Je crois que…
I’m concluding that… | Je conclus que…
I think… did that because… | Je pense… a fait ceci parce que…
I’d feel… if I were that character. | Je me sentirais… se j’étais ce personnage.
I think… might really be… | Je pense… ceci serait vraiment…
I think the author might be saying… | Je pense que l’auteur essaie de dire…
I think this text might really be about… | Je pense que ce texte est vraiment au sujet de…
I think that word means… | Je pense que ce mot veut dire…