What to do When Your Child Does Not Want to Read

What to do When Your Child Doesn’t Want to Read | Mon enfant ne veut pas lire! Quoi faire?

Remember, there are many things a child can read besides a chapter book.

Provide a variety of reading materials:

comics and joke books | bandes dessinées et blagues
instruction manuals | manuels d’utilisation
menus and recipes | menus et recettes
song lyrics | paroles de chansons
brochures, flyers | dépliants, pamphlets
signs | babillards d’annonces
cereal boxes | boîtes de céréales
emails, web pages, blogs | couriels, pages webs, blogs
letters | lettres
magazines | revues

Spend more time reading to your reluctant reader.

Read with passion and enthusiasm
Replace a character’s name with your child’s name

Get caught reading.

Be a role model and sit down to read your own book
Talk to your child about what you are reading and why you are reading it

Use humour.

Reluctant readers often respond well to humour at their level

Introduce series books.

They often have predictable stories and characters which build confidence in reluctant readers

Visit the library.

Order your child a magazine subscription about a topic of interest.

A magazine becomes a personal invitation to read when your child’s name is on the mailing label


Encourage family/friends to give their favourite books as gifts.