Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns | Les pronoms personnels

A personal pronoun replaces a noun (the noun performing the action described by the verb) and is given a person (first, second, third) and a number (singular or plural).

* It:

“It” is used for inanimate objects. In French, there is no neuter pronoun “it”. Things are either masculine or feminine: il is used for masculine nouns and elle is used for feminine nouns.

* One / Someone:

The French pronoun “on” has several meanings. It is used in the same ways as the personal pronouns “one”, “someone”, “some people” or “they” in a nonspecific sense or as a less formal substitute (colloquial) for the subject pronoun nous (we).

*Tu or Vous:

When referring to more than one person vous must be used. When referring to a single person, vous or tu may be used depending on the situation. Tu is informal and used only with well-known acquaintances. Vous is the polite form used when addressing unknown persons or older persons.