APA Format | Au format APA

The American Psychological Association (APA) format is most commonly used to cite sources in the social sciences.


Websites or Webpages:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Date of publication). Title of website. Repéré à URL
* When citing internet sources, refer to the specific website document. If a document is undated, use “n.d.” (for no date) immediately after the document title.
Break a lengthy URL that goes to another line after a slash or before a period. Continually check your references to online documents.
There is no period following a URL

➢ Example for an entire Website/Webpage:

Musée virtuel du Canada. (2009). Repéré à http://www.museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca/index-fra.jsp



Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date). Book title. Additional information. City of publication : Publishing company.

➢ Example:

Watt, M. (2011). Enfin, te voilà? Toronto : Éditions Scholastic.



Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date). Book title. Provide the Digital Object Identifier (doi number) or Repéré à URL
* Only use a URL if the doi is not available.

➢ Example:

Verne, J. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. Repéré à http://beq.ebooksgratuits.com/vents/verne.htm


Encyclopedia and Dictionary:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date). Title of entry. Dans Editor. Title of dictionary/encyclopedia. (Volume, p. for page number). City of publication : Publishing company.

➢ Example:

Morue. (1983). Encyclopédie Grolier. Le livre des connaissances. (Vol. 9, p. 407). Montréal : Grolier ltée.

Griffon. Larousse des débutants. (p. 287). Paris : Larousse.


Dictionary/Encyclopedia (Online):

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date). Title of entry. In Editor. Title of dictionary/encyclopedia. (Volume, p. for page number). Doi or Repéré à URL

➢ Example for Dictionary (Online):

Griffon. (n.d.) Le Dictionnaire. Repéré à http://www.le-dictionnaire.com/

➢ Example for Encyclopedia (Online):

Whitaker, R. Pierre Elliott Trudeau. L’Encyclopédie Canadienne. Repéré à http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=F1ARTF0008141


Magazine and Newspaper Articles:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date – year, month day). Article title. Periodical title, volume number (issue number if available), inclusive pages.

➢ Example:

Fontaine, F. & Benazdia, N. (2011, janvier). À quoi servent les frontières? GEO Ado, 95, p. 16.

➢ Example:

Castonguay, N. (2011, mars 2). Qu’est-ce qu’on mange pour souper?
Le Voyageur, 43 (39), p. 23.


Articles, Magazines, Newspapers, Blogs and Similar Work (online):

e-Magazine Articles:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date – year, month day). Article title. Title of magazine, volume number (issue number if available), inclusive pages. Repéré à URL

➢ Example:

Cler, E. (2010, nov. 7). Des cités sous la mer. Québec Science. Repéré à http://www.quebecscience.qc.ca/Des-cites-sous-la-mer


e-Newspaper Articles:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date – year, month day). Article title. Title of newspaper, page number(s). Repéré à URL

➢ Example:

Chalifour, A. (2011, mars 6). Des symboles de la culture haïtienne à l’honneur. L’express. Repéré à http://www.lexpress.to/archives/6063/

Online document:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Date of publication – year). Title of work. Dans Stemp, M. (n.d.). Histoire d’un siècle. Dans Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Repéré à http://www.antoinedesaintexupery.com/

Nero, R. W. (1991). Le Geai bleu. Faune et Flore du pays. Repéré à http://www.hww.ca/hww2_f.asp?id=30

Online periodical:

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number. Repéré à full URL

* Do not enclose the title in quotation marks. Put a period after the title. If a periodical includes a volume number, italicize it and then give the page range without “p.” If the periodical does not use volume numbers, as in newspapers, use p. or pp. for page numbers.

➢ Example:

Charron, C. Y. (1978). Le tambour magique, un instrument autrefois utile pour la quête d’un conjoint. Études Inuit Studies, 2 (1). Repéré à http://www.fss.ulaval.ca/etudes-inuit-studies/v02(1)resum.html


Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Date of publication – year, month day). Title of blog entry (not italicized). Disponible sur URL or Archivé à URL

* Titles for items in online communities (e.g., blogs, newsgroups, forums) are not italicized.
* If the author’s name is not available, provide the screen name. Add identifiers like post or message numbers, if available, in brackets.

➢ Example:

Pelletier, C. (2011, fév. 11). Musiciens sympathiques, performances magnifiques: La Slague présente Choi au violoncelle, Song au piano. Disponible sur http://www.laslague.ca/category/blog/feed/


Interview (personal):

For APA, do not cite personal communications (e.g., face-to-face interviews, telephone or e-mail interviews) in the reference list, since they are not archived, recoverable sources.



Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Publication date). Song title [Recorded by]. Sur Title of album [Medium of recording] Location of record label: Record label.

➢ Example:

Broccoli, Annie. (2008). Le break dance intergalactic. Sur Broco Show [CD] Montréal, Québec : Les Productions Benannah Inc.


Music/Songs/Lyrics (online):

Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (Year of copyright). Song title. Title of album. Repéré à ULR

➢ Example:

Jacquot. (n.d.) Jouez au hockey. Rigolons. Repéré à http://youtube.com/watch?v=0GAQM7-7WSE