Perimeter, Area and Volume

Perimeter, Area, Surface Area and Volume | Le périmètre, l’aire, l’aire totale de la surface et le volume

The perimeter of a shape is the length of the distance around a shape or the boundary of a shape. The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. The formulae to calculate the perimeter (P) | le périmètre (P) are:

Geometric Figure | La figure géométrique

The area is the amount of surface a two-dimensional shape covers. It is measured in square units. The formulae to calculate the area (A) | l’aire (A) are:

The surface area is the total area of the surface of a tree-dimensional object.
The formulae to calculate the surface area (Atotal) | l’aire totale de la surface (Atotale) are: