Time | L’heure

When speaking French, you must say the word – heure – except with midi (noon)
and minuit (midnight).

Il est onze heures. | It is eleven. (o’clock)
Il est deux heures et quart. | It is two fifteen.

Il est midi. | It is noon.
Il est minuit. | It is midnight.

The hour and minutes are separated by an 00 h 00 for heure.

5 h 20 | 5:20

Use the term:

du matin – if you wish to indicate am
Il est trois heures du matin. | It is three am

de l’après-midi – if you wish to indicate from noon until about 6 pm
Il est quatre heures de l’après-midi. | It is four o’clock in the afternoon.

du soir – to indicate from 6 pm until midnight.
Il est huit heures du soir. | It is eight pm

Time is usually expressed on a 24-hour clock.

15 h (quinze heures) | 3 :00 pm
19 h 30 (dix-neuf heures trente) | 7:30 pm

Avant-midi | A.M.

Après-midi | P.M.