Clothing | Les vêtements

En été | In summer

Pierre-Oh porte son maillot de bain, ses lunettes de soleil, ses tongs et sa casquette.
Pierre-Oh wears his bathing suit, his sunglasses, his flip-flops and his cap.

Pierrette porte son bikini, ses sandales et son chapeau de soleil. 
Pierrette wears her bikini, her sandals and her sun hat.

En automne | In autumn

Pierre-Oh porte son pantalon, sa chemise, son gilet et ses souliers. 
Pierre-Oh wears his pants, his shirt, his cardigan and his shoes.

Pierrette porte son sweat à capuche, son jean, son chemisier et ses espadrilles.
Pierrette wears her hoody, her jeans, her blouse and her running shoes.

En hiver | In winter

Pierre-Oh porte ses bottes, son anorak, ses mitaines et ses caches-oreilles.
Pierre-Oh wears his boots, his parka, his mittens and his earmuffs.

Pierrette porte son habit de neige, ses gants, son foulard et sa tuque.
Pierrette wears her snowsuit, her gloves, her scarf and her toque.

Au printemps | In spring

Pierre-Oh porte son short, sa chemise polo, ses tennis et son chandail. 
Pierre-Oh wears his shorts, his polo shirt, his sneakers and his sweater.

Pierrette porte sa robe, ses collants, ses chaussures à hauts talons et son imperméable. 
Pierrette wears her dress, her tights, her high-heeled shoes and her raincoat.

Au travail | In the workplace

Je porte mon uniforme, mes lunettes, ma ceinture et ma montre. 
I wear my uniform, my glasses, my belt and my watch.

Tu portes ton tailleur, ta chemise et ta cravate. 
You wear your suit, your shirt and your tie.

À l’heure du coucher | At bedtime

Je porte mon pyjama et mes pantoufles.
I wear my pyjamas and my slippers.

Tu portes ta chemise de nuit et ta robe de chambre.
You wear your nightgown and your robe.

Lors d’occasions spéciales | On special occasions

Je porte un smoking, un nœud papillon et des boutons de manchettes. 
I wear a tuxedo, a bow tie and cufflinks.

Tu portes une robe du soir, des bas de nylon, des boucles d’oreilles, un collier et un braclet. 
You wear an evening dress, nylon stockings, earrings, a necklace and a bracelet.

Au centre de remise en forme | At the fitness centre

Je porte un sweat shirt, un short et des chaussures de course. 
I wear a sweatshirt, shorts and running shoes.

Tu portes un survêtement et un débardeur. 
You wear a tracksuit and a tank top.

Glossary | Glossaire