History | L’histoire

www.civilisations.ca/education/ressources-pour-les-eleves/ (English or French site)
Information about Canadian identity, history and culture

http://www.museedelaguerre.ca/education/ (English or French site)
Information about the World Wars as well as World War 2 games

www.curiosphere.tv/romains/accueil.html  (French site)
Information about ancient Rome

www.curiosphere.tv/moyenage/index.htm  (French site)
Information about the Middle Ages for senior students

http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/guerre/home-f.aspx  (English or French site)
Information on Canada and the First World War

http://canadianmysteries.ca/fr/curConOn.php  (English or French site)
Activities involving Canadian History and historical methods through solving historical cold crimes

http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/femmes/index-f.html  (English or French site)
Information about Canadian women and their contributions to Canadian society and the world

http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/fra/1100100010002  (English or French site)
Source of information pertaining to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/index_f.cfm  (English or French site)
Source of information on all subjects pertaining to Canada’s heritage

http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/index-f.html  (English or French site)
Comprehensive collection of resources held by Library and Archives Canada

http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/index.asp  (English or French site)
Source of information on all subjects pertaining to National Defence and the Canadian Forces  (English or French site)
Information about military history with first-hand accounts and original artefacts shared by veterans

http://www.virtualhistorian.ca/  (English or French site)
Virtual environments of authentic historical investigations and learning activities of key events and issues in Canadian history

https://www.historica-dominion.ca/fr  (English or French site)
Information about Canadian history, identity and citizenship