Gender | Le genre

In French, all nouns have a masculine or feminine gender.

Note: Throughout this site, an ‘m.’ is used to designate the masculine gender of words and an ‘f.’ is used to designate the feminine gender of words.

le masculine (m.) ou le féminin (f.) | masculine or feminine

For example | Par exemple:

These nouns are masculine (m.):

These nouns are feminine (f.):

Gender Assignment | L’assignation du genre

For nouns referring to human beings and some animals, the assignment of gender is generated by the entity’s natural gender or sex (male or female).

For example | Par exemple:

These nouns are masculine (m.) by natural gender or sex:

These nouns are feminine (f.) by natural gender or sex:

For nouns referring to non-living things, plants and most animals, the assignment of gender is random. There is seldom an established link between the gender and the meaning of words. The gender in this grouping is said to be grammatical (masculine or feminine). Grammatical gender is attributed regardless of biological gender or sex.

For example | Par exemple:

These nouns have a masculine (m.) grammatical gender:

These nouns have a feminine (f.) grammatical gender:

Gender Agreement | L’accord du genre

Gender has a fundamental role to play in French grammar, as many parts of speech have different forms based on gender. Adjectives, determiners/articles, nouns, pronouns, and verbs must agree in gender (masculine or feminine).

For example | Par exemple:


Pierre-Oh est aussi grand que Pierrette. |
Pierre-Oh is as tall as Pierrette.


Il (Pierre-Oh[m.]) aime la natation. |
He (Pierre-Oh) likes swimming.


Pierre-Oh est allé (m.) au cinéma avec ses amis. |
Pierre-Oh went to the movies with his friends.


Pierrette est aussi grande que Pierre-Oh. |
Pierrette is as tall as Pierre-Oh.


Elle (Pierrette [f.]) aime le hockey. |
She (Pierrette) likes hockey.


Pierrette est allée (f.) au cinéma avec ses cousines. |
Pierrette went to the movies with her cousins.

Learning Word Gender | L’apprentissage du genre des mots

The most effective way to learn the gender of a noun is to learn the gender as part of the word. When learning new vocabulary or terms, it is helpful to specifically memorize the correct articles or determiners that precede the words. Articles and determiners agree in gender with the nouns/words that they modify and reveal their gender.

For example | Par exemple:

When nouns are preceded by the article le or un, or the determiners mon, son or ce they are masculine words.

  • Le livre et le cahier sont rangés dans le sac à dos. | The book and the notebook are in the backpack.
  • Il y a un crayon rouge et un stylo vert dans le coffre à crayons. | There is a red pencil and a green pen in the pencil case.
  • Ce garçon a mon téléphone cellulaire dans son sac à dos. | This/That boy has my cell phone in his backpack.

When nouns are preceded by the article la or une, or the determiners ma, sa or cette they are feminine words.

  • Nous avons trouvé la clé de la porte d’entrée. | We found the key to the front door.
  • J’ai une poire et une banane dans ma boîte à dîner. | I have a pear and a banana in my lunch box.
  • Cette fille a ma bague dans sa poche. | This/That girl has my ring in her pocket.

General Rules: From Masculine to Feminine | Les règles générales : du masculin au féminin

In general to form the feminine of a word:

add an ‘e‘ to the masculine form

words ending in ‘x‘ change to ‘se


words ending in ‘s’ add an ‘se


words ending in ‘il‘, ‘el‘, and ‘eil‘ change to ‘ille‘, ‘elle‘, and ‘eille

words ending in ‘et‘ change to ‘ette‘ and ‘ète

words ending in ‘en‘ change to ‘enne

words ending in ‘on‘ change to ‘onne

words ending in ‘er’ change to ‘ère

words ending in ‘f ‘change to ‘ve

words ending in ‘c’ change to ‘che‘ or ‘que

words ending in ‘g’ change to ‘gue

words ending in ‘gu’ add an ‘ë

words ending in ‘eur’ change to ‘euse

(when that word can be made into a present participle by adding ant: rêveur – (rêver) – rêvant | rêveurrêveuse).

words ending in ‘eur’ change to ‘eure

(when that word cannot be made into a present participle or when the word is an adjective of comparison)

words ending in ‘teur’ change to ‘teuse

(when that word can be made into a present participle by adding ant: chanteur – (chanter) – chantant | chanteur chanteuse).

words ending in ‘teur’ change to ‘trice

(when that word cannot made into a present participle).