Word Banks/Vocabulary

Word Banks/Vocabulary | Banque de mots/Vocabulaire

lexiquefle.free.fr/learn-french.htm  (English site)
Audio files and interactive activities for junior to senior students

french.about.com/od/vocabulary/a/audiodictionary.htm  (English site)
Word lists with audio files

french.about.com/od/begvocab/Beginning_French_Vocabulary_for_Beginners.htm  (English site)
Links to basic vocabulary for beginner level learners

www.didieraccord.com  (French site)
Series of self-correcting exercises intended for the intermediate or senior student

french.about.com/od/vocabulary/a/toppages.htm  (English site)
Links to vocabulary lessons for all ages

www.caslt.org/research/fslvocab.htm  (English or French site)
Links to other sites relating to vocabulary

www.languageguide.org/french/  (English site)
www.edu365.cat/primaria/muds/frances/amitie/index.htm  (French site)
Thematic vocabulary with diagrams and labels

www.polarfle.com/index.html  (Bilingual site)
Scenarios in which you become an inspector trying to solve crimes

deschamp.free.fr/exinria/RETIF/19990316.html  (Bilingual site)
French Internet terms with descriptions and the English translation